Friday, February 18, 2011

What makes a good Candidate?

This week in MY FRIDAY COLUMN I take a look at what qualities and characteristics I would like to see in a candidate for office in the city of New Albany!


Some of the people that we have elected to represent us have disappointed me, not because of things they have done, but for the things they have failed to do.  I want to know that the people that I vote for stand for something, not constantly stand up against everything.

The funny thing is that these councilmen believe that they are doing this city a service by opposing everything, and they have people that back them for this.

First thing it doesn’t really matter what party they represent...Of course in New Albany, the Party of Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson is clearly not the same as the party of  Dan Coffey and Steve Price.

One of the tough decisions that you would have to be willing to make is spending people’s hard earned tax money on things to improve our city.  For the last two years this council has debated for months about paving New Albany’s streets.  If there is anything that we should all be able to agree upon is that our streets need paved.   

If you want to argue with me that the roads do not need paved you are either a liar or just ignorant.  This council has control over enough unencumbered funds that we should never have to drive down crumbling streets again.

I would like for a candidate for public office to at least appear to be living in the 21st century.  They don’t necessarily have to be on Facebook all the time or Twitter what they have for breakfast every morning but at the very least you should have an email account that you answer promptly.  If you should have a website, you should make sure that you keep accurate up to date information and if I click on it I should be directed to your site, not Danica Patrick’s.

Now the stage is set for the this year’s primary election which will determine the direction that our city takes over the next four years, including our bicentennial year, 2013.  Most of the candidates on the ballot we know, although there are a few new ones.  Over the next several months we will get to know them better in hopes of making a well informed decision by election day.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Who is Irv Stumler?

I have been waiting for Mayoral candidate Irv Stumler to let me know who he is ever since he made his announcement that he was running for mayor.  With the mail on Friday I received a letter with a return address from the Committee to elect Irv Stumler.

I figured that this was his letter introducing himself to me, letting me know who he was and what he stands for.  Instead all I got was an invitation to a fundraiser.  Well, I am not about to donate to a campaign for someone I know nothing about, but alas part of the letterhead included  a web address: 

Now I will be able to see who Irv Stumler is and make an informed decision about the upcoming election and decide if I will be able to support him.

So I type the web address carefully into the browser and I am not directed to a page enlightening me about Mr. Stumler.  Instead I am directed to a GODADDY.COM page asking if I would like to purchase the domain.

Is this the type of thing that we should expect from a Stumler Administration?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Finding a Cure for Funding Problems

Even though this plan did not make it out of committee yesterday he still plans to bring it up again next week.  I have nothing against properly funding the New Albany-Floyd County Parks Department.  I just do not believe that creating another layer of government is the answer.


the need for creating a parks district arises from a problem with the way our parks department is currently funded by two government bodies and the problems that arise when they must cut the departments budget...

There are several departments that are under funded or could do without cuts.  Will they get special consideration from the Indiana statehouse?  Who will fight for other departments and why are so many departments struggling?

While MYMANMITCH is making plans a tour to tell the country how great a job the state of Indiana has done in weathering the financial storm he fails to mention that he has done it on the backs of local governments and schools. 

I want to live in a town that has the cleanest and best maintained parks around.  I would like to enjoy a hot afternoon at a new aquatics center where I can take my family without having to go to Clark County.  I am also willing to pay my fair share for the ability to do so.  

I also would like to be sure there are enough police on the street if ever there was a problem.  I would like to think there was enough firemen around if my house or the house of a friend or loved one had caught on fire.  I want to live in a city that had paved streets that were maintained before they started to crumble.  I want the children of New-Albany Floyd County School Corporation to have the best schools with the best teachers available.  

I  believe that most taxpayers in New Albany and Floyd County and all across Indiana would be willing to pay their fair share to make sure that they could have the best possible government around.  Until the State of Indiana cures the way it distributes our tax dollars, we are only treating the symptoms and someone needs to find a cure.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gahan announces he is running for Mayor of New Albany

Surrounded by family and friends 6th District City Councilman Jeff Gahan announced today his intention to seek the Democratic nomination for mayor of the city of New Albany

Citing General fund over spending, soaring sewer rates and increasing debt, no bid and poorly negotiating contracts and the need to chart a new course by:

 "returning to the basic tenants of financial stewardship".

Friday, February 4, 2011

Our Government at Work?

This week in MY FRIDAY COLUMN I take a look at some of the stuff that is going on with our state legislature.


It seems like every week I see another list of things that the Indiana State Legislature is doing for us...

...Whether they are touting a smoking ban, that doesn’t ban smoking or creating a new taxing district that won’t raise taxes, our representatives have been very busy.  Especially if you consider patting themselves on the back as keeping busy.

The smoking ban that has been working its way through the halls of the Capitol Building has more holes in it than the filter of a Marlboro Light.  

If the health of our citizens was the concern when considering the smoking ban, then absolutely NO EXEMPTIONS  should be allowed.

Anything less than a comprehensive ban is a waste of time and of tax payer money.

When Louisville first tried to ban smoking, they tried to exempt Churchill Downs a judge overturned it and they were forced to pass a bill that banned smoking everywhere.

Another bill that has gotten some publicity is the creation of a new taxing district for the New Albany Floyd County Parks Department

I have no idea where this bill came from and why it is exclusive to Floyd County.

The problem with our City/County parks department is neither group thinks the other is paying its fair share.   There is no cooperation between the two different government bodies.  

I believe that New Albany and Floyd County could have tremendous parks facilities if their was at least a little cooperation between the city and the county.  I do not believe it the plan for a consolidated city/county government but if there was any reason for it this would be it

Another new taxing district that is being planned is a new “Regional Airport Authority” being proposed by Clark County’s own Ron Grooms, who reportedly represents Floyd County also

I know no one that uses Clark County's airport.  I cannot understand under what circumstances that Floyd County would benefit from being a part of a Regional Airport Authority.

Taxing the citizens of Floyd County so that the citizens of Clark County don’t have to pay as much seems unfair to most of the citizens that Mr. Grooms is suppose to represent

MYMANMITCH is on record as saying “…And you know, Those who use the facility paying for it is a pretty fair and time-tested policy.”  Of course he was talking about the Ohio River Bridges Project at the time, but wouldn't the same philosophy apply...

...So the “fiscally conservative” representatives that we sent to Indianapolis last November, aren’t actually raising taxes, they are just finding new ways to tax us.  They say the are all about smaller government but have found several new ways to make our government bigger.  Republicans control the entire Statehouse and have vowed to change the way government is run.  If these “changes’’ so far are indicative of what we can expect we are all in a heap of trouble.