Thursday, August 18, 2011

1sI Endorsements: A look back

With the announcement this week that One Southern Indiana will once again make political endorsements, I am curious how the vote that the New Albany City Council took last year will affect their decisions.

1sI to endorse Mayoral Hopefuls by Daniel Suddeath

Here is my column from October 8, 2010 where I reflect on the council meeting where the funding request was discussed

This week in My Friday Column I discuss my journey to a strange world:


Dan Coffey was making sense to me, and I agreed with him.  Steve Price, sporting a new clean cut look was in control of his emotions and was remaining logical.   

Monday night's city council meeting was one for the ages.  It was interesting to see 1sI member Bob Caesar pitching slow-pitch softballs to Mike Dalby.  Even better was the nasty "Knuckler" that city council president John Gonder threw, while Mr. Dalby just swung.

 Mr. Gonder related of how he ran into someone from a company that was listed in some of the literature that was presented.  Basically the person denied that Mr. Dalby’s group had any involvement in the company’s growth, contrary to 1sI’s claims. 

Some One Southern Indiana members were on hand for the public comments portion of the meeting.  Everyone basically said the same thing.  They never could have grown or expanded their company in New Albany without the help of 1sI.  The only specific thing that they could say that the group actually did for them was helped them to get tax abatements and other incentives.

So as I am listening, what it sounds like to me is that Mr. Dalby and 1sI are asking for $70,000 in Economic Development Income Tax money so they can teach their members to come before the council and ask for more tax money

It was clear that most of the council members were upset that 1sI decided to endorse candidates in the upcoming election.  As a private organization they are allowed to do whatever they want.  I am the last person in the world that would get in the way of anyone's freedom of speech, just don't ask me to pay for it.

I agree with his assessment that their organization has every right to get involved to advance their political agenda but I do not think that the city of New Albany should be asked to subsidize them.

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