Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Pathetic Display of Apathy

Last May, following the Primary election I wrote a column about voter turnout


This year’s primary election was suppose to be different.  For many years there had been an apathy that had consumed voters but now they were supposedly mad as hell and ready to take action. After the Wall Street bailouts of the insurance and banking industries and the Congressional passing of Obamacare, voters were planning to come out in groves to vote those bums out.  The people were assembling and holding “Tea Party” rallies in their preparation for the impending “revolution”.  Of course nobody seems to have told the voters of Indiana and Floyd County.

There are a lot of people out there who are very angry and this year things could be different.

 The famous bumper sticker read “IF YOU DON’T VOTE, YOU CAN’T COMPLAIN!”.  Well there seems to be a lot of people out there complaining but relatively few that are actually voting.  The future of our community and our country is counting on the leaders that we will choose in November so we all must all do our part.  It is one of the most of important things that we can do as United States citizens and it is often taken for granted.  Voting in a free election is one of the fundamental rights that this country was founded on and it is a shame that more people don’t take advantage of it.

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