Saturday, December 25, 2010

The Christmas Seasonal Affect

This is My Friday Column from Chrismas 2009
      Like most people, I am very busy in the month of December.  I trudge along through the whole month just waiting for it to be over.  Don’t get me wrong I really enjoy the holiday season but after a while it begins to wear on you.  All month long the days continue to get shorter and the lack of sunshine cause peoples moods to slowly deteriorate.

As an assistant manager of a retail store I am naturally very busy at work.  With so many people out and about doing their last minute shopping we are bombarded by people many of which  are also in bad moods.  The customers are out in all kinds of weather trying to find that perfect gift.  They come in and it is our job to make sure they get what they came for and leave happy.  At this time of the year and in this economy this is sometimes a tough job.  We do the best we can and send them off with a smile and a Merry Christmas.  Usually we are successful and accomplish our goal but every once in a while we are dealing with a Scrooge.

As the father of young children it is my duty to make sure that my children get everything they want for Christmas.  Of course two of my children were born on the days just before Christmas which only adds to the pressure I feel.  Not only do I have to get ready for the holidays, I also have to make sure that my kids don’t feel left out.  I think we did ok this year by having a small party with cake and ice cream the weekend before their birthday.  They seemed to enjoy themselves with the informal gathering of just close family members.

As a new home owner it is my responsibility to make are neighborhood shine by decorating my house with lights.  As a big fan of “Christmas Vacation” I imagine myself as a young Clark Griswold.  The character, immortalized by Chevy Chase, decides that he is going to see how bright he can make his house.  This year I kept it a little low key only using a few icicle lights and a couple of inflatable characters.  I also used my skills at wood working to create a snowman, although I haven’t found an adhesive that would hold all of his parts together in the elements.  I also started to make a wooden reindeer but ran out of time to get it painted for display.  Next year the snowman and reindeer will appear together as part of a larger display that I hope will wow the neighborhood.  My goal is to grow my exhibit slowly over the next few years eventually being able to spot my house from the International Space Station.

As a good boyfriend it is my job to make sure that “Amy” also gets everything she wants for Christmas.  I hope that she enjoys the gifts that she gets and I hope she has gotten me some nice things.  It is nice to have someone to spend the holiday with.  I look forward to spending many holidays with her in the future.

Growing up one of my favorite Christmastime television shows was “A Charlie Brown Christmas”.   As the show begins, Charlie Brown seems to be suffering from a severe case of “Seasonal Affect Disorder” too.   He seems to be in a major funk because he didn’t get any Christmas cards, his sister is asking Santa for tens and twenties and for what he perceives as an over commercialization of the holiday.  As his life seems to be spiraling out of control when his recently purchased “tree” caves to the weight of just one ornament,

 Linus Van Pelt straightens him out.
“Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.' And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.'"
That’s what Christmas is all about.

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